The Executive Committee of The Alliance is comprised of the Chairs of the working committees for The Alliance along with the current, past and Chair-Elect of the Board of Directors as well as the Main Street Corinth President and the Visit Corinth President. Regular guests at Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings include the Main Street Director and the Visit Corinth Executive Director. The Executive Committee is the primary governing body for The Alliance and meets on a monthly basis.

Renee Carlton
Carlton & Company, PLLC

Jed James
Chair Elect
Sunstar Insurance Services

Peter Fisher
Finance & Membership Council Chair
Unbridled Capital

Darla Johnson
Community Development
Council Chair

Frank Davis
Economic Development Council Chair
Commerce Bank

Mary Dilworth
Chair Appointee
Boys & Girls Club

John D. Mercier
Past Chair

Hunter McCalla
Keep Corinth-Alcorn Beautiful Chair
Cadence Bank

John James
Visit Corinth President
Refreshments, Inc.

Tammi Frazier
Main Street Corinth President
The Carriage House